So Much More Than Just A Blank Notebook

My shiny little notebook has finally run out of pages. It will always hold a special place in my heart as being my very first bullet journal. As I mentioned in my First Time Bullet Journaller in Distress blog post, it was a little ‘Aloha’ design, midi-sized, lined Paperblanks notebook which perfectly supported me with trialling the whole bullet journal thing. Entering into the world of bullet journaling has helped me to realise many things about myself and others, as well as keeping me on track with tasks and accomplishing goals.…


How My Goals and I are Shaping Up in 2017

Goals, plans, new year’s resolutions. We all set them, but do you actually achieve them all by your deadline? I reckon it’s real easy to come up with a bunch of great ideas for yourself without being realistic about the ‘how’, the ‘why’ or the timeframe in which you will achieve them. I used to do this when my life was already super busy and before I had a bullet journal to plan it all out.…


First Time Bullet Journaller in Distress

Great things can’t be rushed, some wise people once said. So here’s to my second ever blog post! Hopefully I’ve started my blog train chugging and it can gain some momentum from here. I’ve not only neglected my blog, but also my bullet journal of late due to end of semester pressures, like uni exams and life going on. I adore my little notebook because it has become my first ‘bullet journal’.…


The start.

Hello world, it’s Eliza speaking. Today I’m starting at the start. It is the 1st of the month, my first week of university for the year, and this is my first ever blog post! If you’ve found yourself here reading, thank you so much for taking the time! I hope that my blog brings you great joy, relief, support, life hacks, craft tips, a simple smile; I just hope that you can take something positive away with you.…
