
The start.

Hello world, it’s Eliza speaking. Today I’m starting at the start. It is the 1st of the month, my first week of university for the year, and this is my first ever blog post! If you’ve found yourself here reading, thank you so much for taking the time! I hope that my blog brings you great joy, relief, support, life hacks, craft tips, a simple smile; I just hope that you can take something positive away with you. I believe that one single smile or fleeting feeling of happiness can change the course of your day. We all have ups and downs through life, so I’ll share some of mine with you on my blog, starting with how I chose its name.

I spent a lot of time with the thought in the back of my mind of what to call my blog. I brainstormed all kinds of ‘clever ways’ (some of them were really terrible) to use my name or something about me in the name but nothing really stuck. I settled on this name because ever since I was allowed to answer the telephone at home, I always answered it with “Hello, it’s Eliza speaking.” If you know me personally, you’ll know that I still answer the phone this way! I figured it’s never going to go away and I am obviously the author of this blog, so what the heck.

If you follow me on Instagram (and you should 😉), you will know that I posted there about starting this blog. Well, that was one month ago today! I set my self a deadline to get my first post published and I made it! (Just). This also coincides with my first week of uni for the year. It was great to reconnect with the new friends that I made last year and we’re off to a cracking start with some exceptional lecturers and tutors. I’ve got good vibes about this year so let’s hope 2017 comes up with the goods.

Look Mum, I made a thing! It’s a thing that I wanted to get finished before uni started but, after cutting everything out and ironing on the interfacing, I sat down at my sewing machine and it wasn’t stitching properly! All the settings were fine but the stitching was all bunchy. I almost had a breakdown right there at my machine because I had anticipated sitting down to finish it for weeks only to have my machine break! My breakdown was averted by awesome hugs from my guy. Nonetheless, today I sat at my sewing machine and did a bit of light maintenance which got it going again and I was able to finished it this afternoon.

It’s a pouchy kind of pencil case and it’s perfectly sized to fit my bullet journal in and a bunch of stationary (stationary addict over here). Oh yeah, a bullet journal is something new for me that I started this year. Have you heard of this diary/planner/journal craze? I cottoned onto it only last year, but no I can’t remember where I first saw it. Anyway, I did heaps of reading into what it is, how you do it, if it would be beneficial for me etc etc and now that I’ve started, yeah, I’m in love!

I’ll post about that another time but for now, thanks so much for stopping by! My blog is still in renovation mode so I hope you don’t mind putting up with that for a little while until I totally work it out and make it look pretty. Peace and love ✌️️

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